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  20% Tax    Facuty1337

Hunter Thief

Hunter 54% Hunter
Thief 46% Thief

Version SRO-R 234
CAP 100
EXP Rate: 5x x3
Gold Rate: 5x x3
Drop Rate: 10x x3
IP Limit: 4

Magic POP Update

Magic pop rates has been updated.
Lamp & Adv A/B/C Elixirs has been added.

Premium and normal Magic pop have same items, however some items in normal will be untradeable.
[Flags, Flowers, Scrolls, Dragon pet, Alchemy catalyst and Lamp].

For a full list of items and their % check our Wiki -> Magic POP [Updated]
The video can be seen in our -> Telegram group

Posted by Navmesh on 05-Jan-2024 13:30