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Hunter Thief

Hunter 54% Hunter
Thief 46% Thief

Version SRO-R 234
CAP 100
EXP Rate: 5x x3
Gold Rate: 5x x3
Drop Rate: 10x x3
IP Limit: 4

Seal of Sun in Item Mall for Premium and Regular (vote) Silks

Seal of Sun

Added in Item Mall for Premium and Regular (vote) Silks

Vote Silks amount increased from 50 to 100 -> now in event is 2x, so you can get 400 Regular Silks daily.

In regular Item mall, each D10 SoSun item can be bought just once per month, means you can't buy 2 bows, but 1 bow+1sword+etc... is possible.

Be aware that if you try to buy from the Regular Mall and you miss the "Regular silks", then the "Premium Silks" will be used to make up the difference!!!

Posted by Navmesh on 20-Nov-2024 21:38