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  20% Tax    Facuty1337

Hunter Thief

Hunter 54% Hunter
Thief 46% Thief

Version SRO-R 234
CAP 100
EXP Rate: 5x x2
Gold Rate: 5x x2
Drop Rate: 10x x2
IP Limit: 4


Length between 6 - 12 (only letters and numbers)
Length between 6 - 16 (Letters, numbers and symbols: . ! @ $ % ^ & _ + = - )
Valid email address required to activate account.

* gmail / hotmail / live - addresses will be delivered fast (check spam folder just in case)
* yahoo - addresses may not be delivered at all, do not use yahoo emails
* Other may take up to 1-2 hours to be delivered
** If you have not received email, contact me in Telegram or by email, info you can find here > TEAM Page

You are allowed to register max 4 accounts.